I had huge expectations for the Malayalam film "Arjunan sakshi" as it is directed by Ranjith Sankar, who created vibes with his debut film "Passenger".
I went for the 5:45 PM show. Even though I was welcomed by the negative feedback by the ticket collector at the door, I had my reservations for this film. I am a die-hard fan of good films. As the team behind every film wants their film to be successful, I wish every film become a success. So now, my viewpoint on "Arjunan Sakshi".
Hero and Heroine
Prithvi Raj got nothing special to do in this film-script demanded not much complicated scenes. His selection of tapering jeans was a bad one. It didn't suit him. And Ann has developed as an actor. She is much much better in this.
Story and Screenplay
The director became successful in catching the attention and the interest of the viewers right from the beginning. The introduction of the story, and the introduction of hero was an excellent one.The background score was inspiring. The first 40 minutes was really exciting and unfortunately it was the only interesting part of the film.The film lacked pace after that. The director got stuck after this point. I could understand that the director (he is the script writer!) had 2 choices from there. It would have been much better if he had chosen the other way. After that the film got lost.
It was really disappointing to see that such a talented director lost his way in the middle of the story. In his earlier film (which was super hit!) he gave a good message and it was conveyed to the viewers very effectively. In this film also, he had a message and tried to convey that to us. But he failed miserably.
The first 40 minutes gave the promise of a good thriller, but on the way it got stuck. The screenplay lacked intelligent plots and situations to make it a thriller. The unrealistic, stupid and unbelievable submission of the villains made the film look weaker. It could have been much better.
Weakest Point
What was that lengthy close-up shot of Prithvi Raj during the intermission title time? It was the most hilarious part. The shot was so lengthy and Raju was in stalemate condition. He thought the director would say "cut" much earlier and he was prepared for that. But the shot went on and he didn't know what to do or what to give in that shot. It was much evident from his facial expression and the gestures of lips and nose.. lol. Who is the culprit of that weakest point in the film? Editing or direction?
All together its just an average film. Nothing to inspire and nothing to talk about. But the crew and Raju (Prithvi Raj) will say that it contains social responsibility messages. I agree that. And i think , director's intention on giving a message made the plot weaker. I think, when he has decided to start a movie, he started with a message or an incident from the newspaper inspired him to make a movie. But he got stuck in the middle and the result is just an ordinary movie. I was so disappointed to see this.
And in overall, its just an AVERAGE movie.
And you may be thinking, who the f**k is he to say all these things. Well, I am...I am just the sound of the common man. I am the sound of people who love good movies. So BFN....
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